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- B . A . O . R #
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- Being a British Soldier stationed#
- in WEST GERMANY now for the past#
- 10 years, i would like to take#
- this oppertunity to inform my#
- German amiga friends about the#
- B. A. O. R. scene here in WEST#
- B.A.O.R. stands for "BRITISH ARMY#
- OF THE RHINE" and we are basically#
- british servicemen and women#
- stationed here in West Germany,#
- but Did you know that there are#
- over 60'000 thousand "BRITS"#
- living amongst you? Sure there is#
- by far more than 6 times that in#
- AMERICAN Troops, but they do not#
- have a percentage ratio of 15%#
- Amiga Users in favour of the#
- Yes , readers ! There are a#
- staggering 15% of us old "LIMIES"#
- or "TOMMIES" (which we are some-#
- times referred to as by our be-#
- loved "WEST GERMAN" friends) who#
- love the AMIGA. What is more#
- suprising is that the average age#
- of the freak is around 25-30 years#
- of age and some are in there#
- 50's! Amazing Yes? #
- No, not quite, there has always#
- been such high numbers of owners#
- in the "UK", far more than in any#
- other country mainly due to#
- COMMODORES successful marketing#
- and this is reflected in the#
- figures partaining to the B.A.O.R.#
- scene, but why are we so old#
- compared to the normal 14 to 25#
- years of age seen here in GERMANY?#
- Well for a start most of the#
- B.A.O.R. Amiga freaks are married#
- grown up mature adults#
- (sometimes!) who have been looking#
- for a new hobby to take them away#
- from their "DEMANDING" "DANGEROUS"#
- "ADVENTUROUS" lives. (laugh!) #
- This is also probably why there#
- are so many recent divorce#
- cases amongst service men who own#
- Amigas. (Only joking, or am i???)#
- But more about the married Amiga#
- users later! #
- Single guys are not so lucky#
- because they have to live in so#
- called "BARRACK BLOCKS" where life#
- is made a misery due to such#
- shitty things as not being allowed#
- out of camp after 22.30 hrs, or#
- only "Smart" civilian clothes are#
- to be worn whilst in the "PUBLIC#
- NIGHTS" (thats when everyone must#
- clean the whole living quarters#
- under the instructions of a newly#
- promoted "POWER CRAZY" L/CPL or#
- CPL) 2-3 times a week! And if that#
- is not enough to piss you off,#
- they must also conform to a "SET-#
- ROOM LAYOUT" (Something that re-#
- sembles a prison cell!) not to#
- mention sharing a room with 2/3 or#
- more cretins who come in after the#
- end of every weekend totally "SHIT#
- FACED" and piss on your bed cause#
- they haven't been "HOUSE TRAINED"!#
- Yes Army life is unjust when it#
- comes to comparisons with our#
- realitively free German Amiga#
- freaks. Just imagine guys not#
- being able to wear your favourite#
- grotty old smelly flea ridden#
- jeans to the local Mac Donalds or#
- being able to leave your numerous#
- empty coke cans around in your#
- bedroom or feeling unsafe in#
- leaving your mean machine lying in#
- your room without some arsehole#
- playing on it whilst trying to#
- insert the disc the wrong way#
- round! So, you see it is not prac-#
- tical to have such luxurious#
- machines such as an Amiga in your#
- "BED SPACE" as it would either get#
- Yes its very much in favour of the#
- married man as he can come home#
- from work, relax in the comfort of#
- his own home, put on his grotty#
- jeans, drinks his can of coke and#
- proceeds to throw it over his#
- shoulder, switch on the computer#
- and forget about his shitty job#
- (especially if your in the ARMY)#
- and nagging wife ( if she#
- permits? ), and all this between#
- But what do these guys think the#
- scene really is like? #
- Well in every "Garrison Town" (and#
- there are a few in Germany) they#
- have what's known as an Amiga User#
- Group. They are usually made up#
- of 20 to 50 guys who asssemble#
- once every week or month to#
- exchange "IDEAS" and "VIEWS" and#
- speak about how they can improve#
- the so called "CLUB" for the#
- benifit of the users. #
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- (continues on next article...)#